polkadot.js API
Polkadot does JavaScript. polkadot.js provides many handy tools to interact with polkadot / substrate nodes. It e.g. offers APIs around Polkadot and Substrate based chains via RPC calls. The github orginazation is also root of the polkadot.js browser extension, hosts, the public polkadot apps repository and more.
Official Documentation / Repositories
- Official polkadot{.js} docs: The official docs with lots of code examples and best practices.
- Polkadot JS Apps: The repository for the official Polkadot JS user interface that showcases a lot of usage examples of the library.
Further Learning Material
- Polkadot JS API Tutorial on Moonbeam Docsbeginner
- Starting with Polkadot Development Part 1 + 2beginner
- Workshop Js API 🇪🇸 🎬intermediate
- Developing Apps that Interact with Polkadot with Bill Laboon 🎬 beginner
- Building a dApp with polkadot.js, React and Typescript 🎬 beginner
- Create a Front-end for the Kitties Chainintermediate
- Porting Web3.js to Polkadot.jsintermediate
Community Links
One Tutorial tagged with "polkadot.js"
View All TagsTokengated Website with polkadot.js and next-auth
How to write a tokengated website with polkadot.js API and next.js