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Polkadot.Study Report April 2023

· 3 min read

I am happy with how develops. Last month was focussed on Design, Collaborations and including and writing the first tutorial. The frontend is 80% done and is only missing some components and a design for tablets. I have not found all the prospected authors I wanted but am confident I will find some in the future but probably missing the deadline here.

See below for a more detailed report.


  • finished the tutorial for authors
  • 3 funded authors are working on their tutorials
  • 1 Author is working on a tutorial that they want no funding for
  • Collaboration with Substrate in Bits to publish their content on
  • Another Call for Authors made via the home

It seems that it will be hard to meet the deadline with the aimed 10 finished tutorials until mid June. I have done several calls on twitter and PBA Alumni Channels as well as Kusama Direction and chatted with 2 people but never heard from them since then. Going forward, I would try to find new authors on different channels (e.g. doing a call in the PBA Alumni Newsletter this week). I also added a banner on the website and hope that the finished design will help onboard new authors.

On top of that I will this month contact several parachain teams to ask if they want to contribute tutorials to the platform.

Substrate in Bits

I collaborated with Abdulbee ( to include Substrate in Bits in here. He is the author of a successful treasury proposal and, you can track the progress here

New Docusaurus Plugin

  • Created a reusable docusaurus plugin because needed more functionality than the available plugins offered:
    • It is still a wip but can be build upon.
    • Uses modern typescript build pipeline
    • raised several issues with docusaurus github that came up along the way
    • restructured the repository to make it easier for authors to add their tutorials
    • Allow filtering of tutorials
    • allow custom meta tags for tutorial Duration and difficulty Level that will display in the frontend
  • The Docusaurus Docs


Worked with the designers on the new page design. Currently only for Desktop + Mobile but Tablet Design will finish soon. Have a look at the figma project

  • Tutorial Cards
  • Landing Page
  • Components
  • Icons from Polkadot Icons
  • Study Paths filter Component
