Setup the Development Environment
Before you learn about the recommended style and structure of your tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a local environment that you can later use for submitting your tutorial to our website and for local preview.
Forking the Repository uses the fork-and-pull-model. Meaning, that anyone can submit pull requests from their own forks of the repository. The project maintainer, can then (after discussing, reviewing and revising) merge your changes to the main repository and make it part of the website.
If you have never done pull requests, or worked with forks, read the Github Docs Page about it, to get you started quickly.
Go to the github repository and click the fork button at the top right.
Make settings adjustments if you want and click "Create Fork".
Clone the forked repository to your machine in order to make changes. You can copy the forked repository address, by clicking the blue
button and then
git clone <your forked repo url>
You now have everything to start writing / developing locally, as well as a
setup for later making a Pull Request to our repository. You might have noticed
that the default branch is set to staging
. You can always see a preview of
staging at
If you get lost, or if anything is unclear, please contact or submit a github issue.
Running Locally
After you have forked and cloned the repository to your machine, to run it you
need to install the dependencies with yarn
# go to the directory you cloned into, e.g.
# install dependencies
If you do not have node.js
and yarn
on your machine, please follow
this guide. We currently use node
Running the docusaurus development server
To start the docusaurus dev server, do
yarn start
Then, navigate to localhost:3000. The dev server supports hot module loading and will automatically update when you change and save your tutorial files.
You cannot see any changes in the tutorial tab yet, just the ones others published, you will change that in the next step and wire your tutorial in.
Updating your fork
Your fork might get outdated as others make changes to the staging
branch. To
keep your branch up to date
sync your fork
from time to time, especially before submitting a PR.
If there are merge conflicts, do not click the "Discard Changes" button but rather use a command line tool or any git UI to resolve those conflicts.
If you are using the command line, you can do the following to merge and resolve the merge conflicts locally.
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/staging